Hi my name is Rob, I have a very demanding job and was referred to Xtreme Advantage by a co-worker. I have worked out with personal trainers in the past but no one can match the expertise of Harold Irby. I do Small Group Training two days a week with Harold and also take his Get Fit Boot Camp Class one day a week. His No X-cuse Meal Plan is incredible and has helped me to eat healthier. I have more energy and to date I have lost 21 pounds and 4% body fat. I have been training with Xtreme Advantage for over 6 months. I have found it easy to fit the workouts into my schedule and I look forward to my sessions. My strength and energy has increased and I feel great. Harold is "Xtremely" knowledgeable and he has what it takes to motivate you to be the best that you can be! If you are looking for results and want to work with a professional- Harold is the one. 

-Rob S.


My name is Connie, and I began the “Get Fit Boot Camp” approximately four years ago. I was introduced to Xtreme Advantage Personal Training through a Groupon offer. Although I was doing cardio on a treadmill regularly, I felt I wasn’t getting enough variety in strengthening the upper/lower body and overall core. When I began the Get Fit Boot Camp I could hardly pick up a weight or do one push up, and it was a struggle to get through a class from start to finish. Thanks to Harold’s expertise as a knowledgeable and exceptional personal trainer, he taught me the proper technique with each workout and explains the importance of cardio, strength training & nutrition. Harold monitors every client for proper form to achieve maximum results and avoid injury. I also purchased the No X-cuse Nutritional Guidance Plan for maximum results, which also taught me how to keep my energy level up through proper daily nutrition. Since I began these highly motivated Boot Camp Classes, it has greatly improved my strength & overall stamina. I look forward to the challenge of each class and encouragement to push myself outside of my comfort zone.

-Connie M.

Harold's demanding and Xtreme Workout has made one of my goals to become a more healthier & fit person an Xtreme Accomplishment. 

-Lt. Kaye L.

Detroit Police Department

I'm Lula a 51 year old nurse & I've been attending Xtreme Advantage for 4 months. I originally joined for muscle strengthening because I was unable to turn the cap on a pill bottle, now I'm lifting 35lb wt. bags. I like that the facility is a clean, friendly, and motivating environment. I attend the 6 am Boot Camp Class, 2 days a week along with doing the no excuse meal plan. Now I can open bottle caps, some of my co-workers say I look thin and compliment how strong I am. Harold is very passionate about fitness/health and he is willing to work with you if you are ready to "flip the switch".

-Lula T.

I accompanied my friend to Xtreme Advantage as a ‘support system’ during her consultation with Harold. Listening to Harold express with such confidence as to what Xtreme Advantage had to offer and how the workout programs and meal plan would make my friend better and healthier, I found myself signing up for classes before my friend could ask another question. My first class began on January 4th. Since that time I have extended my package of Small Group Training (1 day per week) and Get Fit Boot Camp (1 day per week) several times; I also follow the No-Xcuse meal plan. I appreciate Harold Irby and his Xtreme and intense workouts. If you see what I see, you will see a stronger, healthier, and different ‘me’!!! To-date I have no words, I just let the ‘before, during, and after’ pictures be the voice to my personal testimony. Thanks to Xtreme Advantage and Harold Irby for keeping me focused and calling me ‘out’ in class when you know I am slacking and not ‘being about it’ … LOL 

-Tamira J.- L. (age 51)
Supply Chain Management and UAW Union Official

Let me begin by saying this has been the best therapy for my Mind, Spirit and Body! I began a year ago after my husband lost his 4 year battle with Cancer. In that time my health had deteriorated tremendously along with my spirit. I wasn't sure how to begin to heal, and then my Grief Counselor suggested finding something "I" enjoyed. Funny thing, after caring for my husband for so long I had forgotten what is was I enjoyed doing. 

Enter Harold... I began training at Xtreme Advantage with Harold and following the No X-cuse Meal Plan. Harold has got to be, No He Is, the most knowledgeable, caring and compassionate trainer I have ever had the pleasure of training with. Now, don't let that last statement fool you, he pushes you to your limits! He learns your mind, by that I mean he learns how dedicated you are. Like Harold says "You get out of it what You put into it". A year has past since my training started. My mind has become focused on the Positive. My Spirit is Happy & Hopeful. But My Body has seen the Most improvements!!!!! I am Stronger, I am Healthier and I am more Motivated than ever!!!
Harold a big Thank You for being a Positive Influence in not only My Life but I'm sure in so many more people that have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to train with you. 

-Sherry A.​

I was 15+ pounds over weight and I had no idea where to start, I didn't like the way any of my clothes fit. Xtreme Advantage helped me tremendously with the customized workouts and meal plans. I started at 152 and I'm down to 135 and still counting and I am in the best shape of my life, I feel so much better, healthier and happier about my appearance!!

-TaNia B.

Approximately 1½ years ago I weighed 245 lbs. I was running 3 to 4 miles about three times a week and trained with weights about three times a week. All and all I thought I was in pretty good shape and wasn’t really thinking about losing weight and was pretty satisfied with my physical condition, until I went to a Doctor’s appointment. My physician told me that my blood pressure was very high and that I was really overweight for my height. My physician then told me that he was going to put me on high blood pressure medication and a diet (which seemed like an impossible diet to be committed too). I asked him if I could ever get off of the medication and he told me that if I lose weight I possibly could. When I left the doctor’s office I got in my car and called Harold and told him that I needed to lose weight because my health depended on it. Harold told me not to worry and that he would create me a diet (his No X-cuse Meal Plan) that would get the weight off me. I also asked Harold questions about my workout and he gave me some sound advice on a few changes I needed to make. 6 months later, after following the No X-cuse Meal Plan Harold gave me, I weigh 208 pounds, off medication and my blood pressure has been in the normal range. I feel great and everyone is asking me how I lost all my weight and what my secret is. I feel much better, my workouts are much better, my health is great and I look much younger than I use too. I tell everyone that my only secret is Harold Irby!!!!!!!! 

-Dwayne L.
Detroit Police Department

From you first visit and first workout to all of your workouts, you know that you are in very professional hands. I have a demanding job like most of us today, so time is of the essence. Harold is well focused, extremely knowledgeable and knows how to motivate you to do your best. My strength and stamina have increased and I look forward to every session to keep my self in the best possible shape thanks to Xtreme Advantage. Two thumbs way up!!

-David T. ​

At 55 years old and newly retired I knew just sitting down was not an option. I had always heard these words, "a body at rest stays at rest", so I didn’t want to be that guy. I had Harold Irby write a nutritional guidance program specifically for my body type along with some tips on exercising. I needed to boost my metabolism and that has helped me burn fat and lose weight. I started my program in April 2018 after this picture was taken. So far, I've lost 37 lbs. and the work continues. 

-John B. 
Retired Detroit Police Officer

I have been working out with Harold for over a year now, and as the saying goes "what a difference a year makes". When I first came to Xtreme Advantage, I joined The Get Fit Boot Camp, well let's just say my lack of strength was a major issue. I have never considered myself to be athletic, and always stayed away from weights in the gym. Gym time for me was more of an excuse to gossip with my girlfriends on the treadmill. I had no idea what I was doing and wanted to have a lean toned body. I was also afraid of becoming "big" from muscle gain. I didn't want to lose my girlish figure, I just wanted to "tighten" things up. 

I then began personal training with Harold and could barely pick up a 5 lb weight or do a push up. The first week I thought I was going to have a heart attack, but now after a year I am stronger, leaner and healthier without feeling “bulky”. I can honestly say I wouldn't have the motivation to work out at all if it weren't for Harold. I don't always want to go, but I leave each session happy that I did. People need to be motivated to exercise and work towards a goal. No one wants to put work into something if they don't see results. I was one of those girls who was afraid to break a sweat, but like Beyonce says, "a little sweat ain't never hurt nobody". Get yourself into Xtreme Advantage and start working out today! 

Girly Girl and Satisfied Customer,
-Katie H. ​

Training with Harold has inspired me to achieve my goals of building up my body to it's maximum potential and to compete in my first teenage bodybuilding competition. Harold is always fully committed to working with me and he will always make you feel as though you are his most important client.
Strive to look your best at XTREME ADVANTAGE!

-James L.

(17 yr. old bodybuilder)

Hi, my name is Lydia Hall. I am a 20 year old student-athlete at Spring Arbor University. As a student, I am studying to be a Child Psychologist to gain my master's degree in the faith of one day having my practice! In addition to being a full-time student, I am a thrower on the track and *field* team. As I transitioned from high school to college, I realized more is required of you as you mature in your sport. So, after my first year, I realized I had a great season overall; however, if I wanted to improve, more was required of me in the offseason. In the desire to be better, I was encouraged to give Xtreme Advantage a try in the Spring. I was fortunate to have met Coach Harold through my dad to improve my strength and conditioning for the upcoming season. 
 I worked out three days a week doing boot camp in the morning and small group training in the evenings. As a thrower, strength came naturally, but conditioning was another story. I struggled a bit, but by the end of my off-season training, my strength and conditioning improved significantly, and it showed in the fruits of my labor. By sophomore year, when I struggled to compete with bigger and better schools, I could make my school's name known, show how hard I trained in the offseason, and ultimately use the gift God gave me to compete. 
It is true when Luke 12:48 says for unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: when God gives you something, it is our job to cultivate and improve as the years go by. So, whether competing at a collegiate level or just trying to improve your health, know that God gave us all things from our lives to the gifts that glorify Him, and at Xtreme Advantage, Harold will help you improve and become the best version of you! 

-Lydia Hall

Collegiate Athlete

I began my fitness program 24 pounds heavier then I am now, and all that excess weight was lost in only 3 months. I worked out 3 day’s a week at Xtreme Advantage along with 2 day’s of cardio on my own as advised. Harold worked with all my medical issues and encouraged me even when I was ready to quit. In his famous words “DON’T TALK ABOUT IT, BE ABOUT IT.” That pretty much say’s it all.

-Carol M.

My name is Alliston Brown, I’m a 33 year old Senior Nurse Staffing Manager w/ A-Line Staffing Solutions. My new years' resolution was to lose weight, exercise and adopt a healthier way of eating for LIFE. Xtreme Advantage is right around the corner from my son's elementary school and I was always passing by telling myself I would stop by to see if they could help me...one day, late January I finally did! I started training with Harold the first week of February. I signed up for the Small Group Training twice a week and worked out 2-3 days on my own and I also took advantage of the 10-week No X-cuse Meal Plan so I knew exactly what I was supposed to be eating on a daily basis. What I liked most about working out with Harold is that he provided the extra motivation I needed to get started and always made himself available to answer any questions or concerns I had regarding my diet or exercise plan. Since February, I've lost 35 pounds (48 pounds overall-since January), and went from a size 14/16 to an 8! These last 6 months working out with Harold has reawakened my passion I once had for fitness and in the fall I plan to study for my personal training certification and compete in bikini fitness competitions in the near future. If you're serious about getting in the best shape of your life, I would highly recommend investing your time and money into Xtreme Advantage Personal Training. Harold is the ultimate professional, knows what he's doing and he will provide all the tools/guidance needed to set you up for success! I'm proof of it! 

-Alliston B.

I am in the best shape ever, even after two children. Thanks to the excellent Personal Training and easy to follow meal plan, I have the body I've always wanted! Thanks to Xtreme Advantage.

-Melissa R.​

Losing weight, and eating healthy was always just a “figment of the imagination”.  I knew I had HBP, diabetes, fibroids, and thyroids all working against me.  So, I never thought being fit, exercising or even having the time to do those things would even be me.  Though I was very unhealthy, in some ways I did not care.  Not sweating and keeping my hair up meant more to me.  Then I lost my father at 46 years old.  Dying in his sleep from a heart attack due to being overweight, having HBP, and diabetes took him away.  This year I lost friends all in their late 20s and 30s.  Overweight, HBP, heart issues, etc. took them away.  Who knew you could have a heart attack in your sleep at 30 years old.  Then just a few months ago my brother died.  At only 34 years old he died.  Sudden stroke, heart attack, and brain aneurysm all at one time.  He was overweight, had HBP, and diabetes.  It was at that point where losing weight, eating healthy, exercising, and being fit was mandatory.  From April to now July, I am down 38 pounds from 319 to now 281. My body fat was a 55% and now it’s 47%.  And my hair…I could care less!!! I am on a mission to LIVE!!! It’s funny how when something becomes a mandatory necessity, you have so much time for it.  The small group training 2x per week with Harold along with the No X-cuse meal plan and my home exercise program from Harold is really helping me not only to change my life but to LIVE. 

-Melvenna F. J.

​​Hello! My name is Decara and I am 29 years old. I have been training at Xtreme Advantage since April. 

I started with the Get Fit Boot Camp Class, 3 times a week. In June I started on a journey to healthier eating habits, trying both the vegetarian and vegan diets. I was 191 lbs and had 37% body fat, I was going to the gym a few times a week, only doing moderate cardio. After doing this for about a year, I wasn’t seeing the results I had expected and was only maintaining. Being only a few miles from Xtreme Advantage, I would pass it frequently and decided one day to call. With the No X-Cuse Meal Plan, Harold helped me to understand what my body needed nutritionally to aid in my overall success. What’s great about Xtreme Advantage is variability. Every time you go to class the workout is something different making the experience fun yet challenging. Overall, I am stronger, leaner, toner, and my endurance has greatly improved. Through training at Xtreme Advantage, I have learned that you must do more than just 30 mins on the elliptical to burn fat and get results. You need a combination of cardio and resistance training and that is what Xtreme Advantage gives you. I am happy that I called Harold and look forward too many more grueling workouts. There is nothing like it, so come on into Xtreme Advantage and invest in YOU!

-Decara M. 

My name is Debbie Harrison, I am a property appraiser and getting closer to the age 60 every day. I haven't committed to exercising regularly in a long time, that was until I found Harold Irby and Xtreme Advantage. I went into the studio to check it out and talk with Harold, I knew immediately I had to sign up and get started. I joined the Get Fit Boot Camp Class and began seeing a difference in my overall physical and mental fitness. I have gained strength, flexibility, stamina and a sense of balance. I just finished an 18 week program and have signed up for the next class. I have enjoyed the program because it offers a variety of exercises so you don't get bored doing the same thing all the time. With the classes being small and personal, Coach Harold keeps a close eye on each client making sure everyone is correctly performing the exercises while keeping us motivated to push on. The newsletters I receive weekly have great recipes and ideas that give me the incentive I need to stay on track during the off days from the gym. May I suggest you stop by the gym meet with Coach Harold and get on the right track to a more healthful lifestyle.

-Deborah H.

I cannot explain to you how impressed I am with Xtreme Advantage. The concern, dedication and loyalty to your goal & overall health motivated me to want to live a healthy lifestyle. I have lost 33 lbs. in 2 months by working out and eating healthier with Harold's NO X-CUSE MEAL PLAN. I feel good, look good, have more energy, watch what I eat and thanks to Xtreme Advantage, I am enjoying my new healthier life.

-Demetrious S.  ​

 My name is Briaunna Buckner and I'm 18 years old. I play D1 college basketball at Jacksonville State University. I've been receiving personal training with Harold for over two months and it has been quite the experience! He focuses on areas of need in each and every person he trains. Me personally, I needed to improve on quickness & athletic conditioning.
A great trainer knows what you need before you even tell them, which amazes me! After two months my quickness and explosiveness has truly improved! Physically and mentally I was prepared to go back to school with the correct preseason preparation! Like I said in the video, Harold takes NO DAYS OFF! He pushes you to the limit every day. He always had a smile on his face but I knew when I strapped up my shoes it was game time in Xtreme Advantage. I would recommend Xtreme Advantage to anybody! And if you decide to take my advice, remember...
Don't talk about it, Be about it!

-Briaunna B. 

Virtual Training, Online Training & Nutrition Program

My name is Alexis and I am 18 years old, a college sophomore at Michigan State University, and full time hair stylist. I started training at Xtreme Advantage because I needed that extra motivation to shed all the unwanted weight I put on. I go to 3 personal training sessions a week and do the other 3-4 days of cardio on my own along with following the Online Meal Plan! I'm almost at my 10 weeks now and I can fit in my old jeans again, which are about 3 sizes smaller than the ones I was wearing! Plus, last weekend I went to the beach feeling pretty darn good about myself in a swimsuit! Harold is very dedicated to his clients and I recommend him to anyone who needs that extra push! 
Thanks again for keeping me motivated!

-Alexis K. ​

Harold is well prepared, fully engaged for each session and varies exercises regularly focusing on all muscle groups. I'm pleased with his skills as a trainer, coach and motivator. My workouts and results have been better than I ever could have hoped for from a personal trainer. 

-Brigette A. D.​

I came to Xtreme Advantage as a 10 year cervical cancer survivor and a 5 year breast cancer survivor who found it very difficult to gain any weight after being off treatment. After training with Harold and following his meal plan, I quickly over came that obstacle by gaining 20 lbs. of muscle & lowering my body fat. With this new found confidence, I will be entering my first Bodybuilding Competition. Thank you Harold for helping me regain the faith that I once let go.

-Lisa W.

I am a die hard exercise person, working out 7 days a week but lately I wasn't seeing the results that I wanted. For Christmas, my husband bought me a gift certificate to Xtreme Advantage and that was the start of the new me. I met with Harold in January and he told me all the things I was doing wrong from exercising to eating. I signed up to work one on one with him, I joined his Get Fit Boot Camp Class twice a week and did his No Xcuse Meal Plan. I love, love, love the boot camp classes, they are challenging without the intimidation of other boot camp classes. I also like that Harold takes the time to make sure you are doing the exercises correctly so you get the best results and without injury. The one on one was great because we concentrated on the problem areas I have and how to tone them. I now have definition in my arms, legs, stomach and I am leaner. Since doing the diet for 10 weeks, I have lost 10 pounds and 7% body fat. I am now able to wear clothes that I haven't in over 2 years, what a great feeling! The diet works because you can eat real food, you are eating 5 times a day so you are not starving yourself and that helps curve any urges you have to cheat. My husband was so impressed, that he signed up for the diet too and I am doing another 10 weeks with him. I just signed up for the next boot camp session doing all three days and I am enjoying every minute of the class, it is amazing how much stronger and faster I have become. Thank you Harold for the motivation and for helping me obtain a healthy body the right way! 

-Laura H. 

​Business Professional and Xtremely Satisfied Customer

Hello my name is Monique Williams, I'm 42 years old and I've been training at Xtreme Advantage since September. I started with a 5 Week / 2 Days per Week Small Group Training Package to get in shape & switch to the Get Fit Boot Camp Class in January, which I am currently doing. What I love about Xtreme Advantage is that no matter how busy your schedule is there's a time slot for you. I currently do the 5:45-6:30am class on Monday & Wednesday with the No X-cuse Meal Plan (which gives me plenty of choices along with healthy restaurant options when my schedule is to busy to cook) which got me to where I am today. I started with a Body Fat Percentage of 56% and thanks to Harold Irby my Body Fat Percentage has dropped more than 16%, I've lost lost inches & gain strength both mentally & physically. I suggest you come here to Xtreme Advantage and don't talk about it, be about it. ​

-Monique W.​

I joined Xtreme Advantage because I decided that if I wanted to be a better me, then I had to work on becoming a better me. Sitting on the sofa was easy and so was gaining 30 pounds. My body had started aching and I felt so unhealthy. I have a gym membership that I wasn’t using because I needed structure and direction around weights in a gym, someone to give me a program where I could see results. Harold was able to provide me with a fitness plan which included HIIT workouts that worked EVERY part of my body. He customized a program specifically to me, Harold would show me an exercise two ways, the proper way and a modified version. I would always attempt the proper way to perform the exercise but sometimes I needed to do the modified version. Harold always demonstrated the new moves and made sure I knew what I was doing before I started my sets. I feel confident in doing my exercises but each one is a new challenge. I’ve been working with Harold twice a week for 24 consecutive weeks doing the Xclusive 1on1 Sessions and Small Group Training. I now have energy after work to accomplish things versus hopping on the sofa and looking at television. I love the way my clothes fit and the way I look in them. Some of them have gotten too big. This is a process that requires dedication. I want to thank Xtreme Advantage for giving me the tools and support to become a HEALTHIER ME.

-Gail S.
61 years young

I had the honor of working with Harold as I prepared for my Pro debut as a Bodybuilder switching over from Pro Figure. Harold's knowledge of the sport, his talent in music, choreography and posing, attention to detail, and his endless enthusiasm made working with him enjoyable and exciting. He is a true professional and a good friend.

-Karen Z.

IFBB Pro Figure/Bodybuilder

Over the last five years I have been aggressively working out, but I kept continually getting frustrated when my results weren’t represented when I looked in the mirror. Most trainers in the big box gyms are slobs, not what I want to look like, so how can they tell me how to get over my plateau? After trying just about every workout routine and diet, I found Harold, a trainer who has walked the walk and truly knows what he’s doing. Harold has helped to put together meal plans and workout regiments that maximize my potential and focus on my specific goals. Xtreme Advantage is the place for you—whatever you’re trying to achieve! 

-Matt R.​

I came to Xtreme Advantage as a rebound in my life after the death of my husband, I had the feeling I needed a lifestyle change and to get healthy. I didn't know that working with Harold would change my life not only physically but mentally as well. Working out has become an outlet for stress, he held me accountable through every session and put together a No X-cuse Meal Plan that was easy to follow and really benefited my lifestyle. 
I did a 10 week package for 3 times per week and the results were awesome. I started my assessment with an internal age of 70 and weighed in at 279 lbs, wearing 3x shirts & size 24 pants. I finished with an internal age of 50, weighing 243 lbs, wearing XL shirts and 18 pants. I now feel great and look great, thanks to Harold and Xtreme Advantage for giving me a restart to my life & health. My journey is not over as I have learned the importance of not “talking about it, but being about it”. I would also like to add that I have never finished a fitness, diet or any program pertaining to being healthy or weight loss, but with the accountability of Harold I DID IT! I adapted a motto while going through this journey which is “Every Damn Day Just Do It”.

In conjunction to my results I highly recommend Harold at Xtreme Advantage.

-Norene W.

Age 41


Hello, my name is Taylor! I am 26 years old and currently getting my doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology. I have been training at Xtreme Advantage since September. I signed up for the Small Group Training Package with the overall desire for a healthy lifestyle change. More specifically, my goals were to develop better eating habits, lose body fat (body fat % was about 47%), increase my endurance, and tone muscle. I was coming to train 3 times a week for 10 weeks, in the evening for 30 minutes. On the days I did not have my training sessions, I attempted to do cardio exercises for at least 30+ minutes for 3 days out of the week. I really appreciated the later hours that are offered because this accommodated my busy schedule and allowed time for me to drive 30 minutes to the location. Additionally, I appreciated the safety precautions that were taken to make clients feel safe to workout despite being in the midst of a pandemic. I also loved the individualized attention during sessions and my specialized No X-cuse Meal Plan that was provided to me. I started my journey only eating an average of 1-2 meals a day with minimal snacking to eating 4-5 healthy meals. Increasing my food intake was not only important for my overall functioning, but I noticed my metabolism appeared to increase as well. During the fifth week, I could notice my endurance building up and it was easier for me to get through the HITT style workouts without feeling overly exhausted. By week 8, I could tell that my body was beginning to tone, especially around my glutes and legs. Thank you, Harold Irby, for this experience! I would suggest if you’re thinking about starting a healthy lifestyle change, come to Xtreme Advantage! 

-Taylor Garland

I started at Xtreme Advantage back in January to get into shape for my upcoming wedding. As I got into a routine, I became more focused on overall health, eating better and maintaining a consistent work out. I have Harold and Xtreme Advantage to thank for that. At Xtreme Advantage, I feel like I am a part of a family. Everyone who participates in the Boot Camp Class encourages one another to work hard and push themselves to the next level. We all come from different backgrounds, and different physical ability levels, yet we all work so well to achieve a positive end result. I am always excited to go to the Boot Camp Classes, something I haven't previously experienced as I used to dread going to other gyms. I remember bargaining with myself and finding reasons not to go, now at Xtreme Advantage, I make my schedule around my workouts. So far in just 5 Months I have seen amazing results: I have more energy day and night, I have dropped a jean size and my self esteem level is much higher in a bathing suit, as well as my wedding dress. 

-Rebecca C., 27,
Human Resources Generalist

I have been training with Harold since September in the 2 day group program. I train with my husband. I hated going to the gym but my husband and I needed to make some serious life changes. He was borderline diabetic and I was getting fat from sitting at my desk job all day. We were very lucky to find Harold. I absolutely love to work out with him and I look forward to it. Since we started with him in September, I have lost 30 lbs and dropped 4 dress sizes. I have much more energy, stamina and just feel good and strong. I can now do 15 regular pushups, when I started I could not even do one. We are also on his no excuse meal plan which is very easy to follow. Harold is tough, but he has never made me do something that I could not do. He very encouraging and compassionate, when I think there is something I can’t do, he tells me I can do this and I can. When I leave after a workout, I feel so good about myself and have a great feeling of accomplishment. I love the other people in the group programs, they are very supportive and we are all there for the same purpose. This is the best money that I have ever spent and I will continue to train with Harold for as long as I can. Thank you Harold for all that you do. 

-Erika & Dan K.

Age 43

Insurance Agent

I am Margaret Carroll, 55 years old and I work from home (as an editorial) which requires me to spend long hours sitting in the chair. I've always maintained some level of exercise because I value good health. But once I got into my 50s, I was getting injured more often and more easily, and not seeing the results I wanted. Luckily, I found my way to Harold at Xtreme Advantage in June. I have been working out just in 30 minute sessions, 3x’s a week in Small Group Training. Since then and I can't say enough about what a positive impact this has had on every aspect of my life. I am challenging myself in new ways and began seeing results right away. I feel much stronger, much more energy, much more focused and alert. I am working out hard in a way that I never would push myself on my own, and no injuries! My resting heart rate and blood pressure have shown dramatic improvements, and are in the good zone. All this with no injuries, thanks to Harold's careful attention to form. I can shovel snow and haul those heavy bags of dog food into the house now, no problem, and there were a lot of winters when I threw my back out every time I shoveled. My Small Group Training Workout is a fun and uplifting way to jump start my day, and I am enjoying a whole new kind of music, too, and my daughter and my nephews are impressed with that. Working out at Xtreme Advantage is no pressure, no guesswork, and it's fun! 

-Margaret C.


My name is Sarah, I'm 34 years old and I work in the mental health field. I've been working out at Xtreme Advantage for about a year now, doing the 3 day per week Get Fit Boot Camp classes. My main reason for joining the Boot Camp was for my health. I was diagnosed with thyroid disease and had high blood pressure and cholesterol. I thought I was active and healthy with little reasons to worry about my health, so those test results scared me into action!

At first, I was nervous that I wasn't going to be fit enough, or strong enough to join a boot camp class, but those thoughts changed quickly. My first week at Boot Camp I was welcomed and made to feel like part of a team. Harold adjusted my weights accordingly, but pushed me to do my best! If my form was off, he was right there to explain the correct way to complete an exercise with encouragement.

After my first month, I started noticing that my clothes were fitting better, I had muscle definition in places I'd never had before, and my energy and overall health was improving. So I pushed on, and added the No X-cuse Meal Plan to my regime. Harold was there every step of the way with questions and concerns I had about food and nutrition. The workouts were different every day and it was fun!

Now that I'm a year into this journey, I feel a complete difference in my health and lifestyle. I'm stronger, I have more energy, and the best part is my blood pressure and cholesterol has gone back to normal.

I could barely do 5 pushups when I joined the Boot Camp class, now I can do 20-no problem! I love pushing myself to see my strength and endurance, and it's been a surprise to me how much I can actually do!

If anyone ever had doubts about joining Xtreme Advantage, I'd tell them to put those worries aside and give it a try. It's your health, your life, your future! The Boot Camp class has changed my outlook on health and nutrition and I can't wait to get to class everyday to GET THOSE RESULTS! 

-Sarah K.​

"It is with great pleasure that I provide this personal testimony on my experience with Harold Irby and Xtreme Advantage. My name is Billy, and I am 58 years of age. As with many men my age, my life had become quite sedimentary over the past several years. As a result, my weight went up to 220 pounds on a 6-foot frame. Since I was not exercising, I had become quite flabby in the middle, and I did not like the way I was carrying myself. I saw pictures of myself this past summer that only reinforced my dissatisfaction with my body. I found Xtreme Advantage Personal Training on the web, and decided to end my summer in August by meeting Harold and hopefully signing up for one of his programs.

I have now been exercising with him three days a week for 10 weeks. I am happy to report that I have lost 11 pounds and some body fat. My strength has slowly increased, as well as my stamina. I was so pleased with my experience with Harold that I recently signed up for another 10 weeks.

The facility itself is easily accessible off I-94, and is clean, safe, and comfortable. I am not only impressed with Harold as a trainer, but also as a human being. He is kind, considerate, and truly is motivational. He knows what he’s doing by rotating various exercises each hour that I am there. He makes exercise fun, and effectively works on my weight, strength and cardiovascular system.

I was so out of shape the first time I trained that I could not even complete the full hour of exercise. I could tell after the second week that I was making progress, and now that I have been with him for over 10 weeks, I could not have spent money on a more meaningful experience. I would like to lose another 10 pounds and continue to overall conditioning. With Harold’s guidance I know I can do it.

If you are considering joining any kind of exercise program, I wholeheartedly recommend Harold Irby and his Xtreme Advantage Personal Training Studio"

-Professor Billy B. 

My name is Aleah Marra and I am 16 years old. I play softball at Anchor Bay High School and have committed to continue my softball and educational career at the University of Toledo. I have been training at Xtreme Advantage for nearly 6 months doing boot camp 3 days per week . I did this to stay in shape and to get stronger and more athletic to help me prepare for my HS softball season. The best parts of Xtreme Advantage are the full body workout I get doing different exercises so it never gets boring. I also like how Harold pushes me to get the most out of the workouts.

I've noticed my body changing and having more muscle mass in my chest, arms and legs. I'm also in a lot better shape. Before I started boot camp, my softball team was tested doing the beep test. This is a set of 20 yard timed sprints that is measured in stages. Before Xtreme Advantage I completed 7.1 steps. When I was retested last month I completed 9.4 stages. Choosing Xtreme Advantage for boot camp training was a great decision for me, and I recommend this to any athlete wanting to improve strength and conditioning to become better in their sport! 

-Aleah M.

I use to play college basketball and now I have a career as a police officer. Strength and conditioning coaches for years tried to pack on size to my small frame with no avail. With Harold's knowledge and professionally designed online training package, I put on 30 pounds in just 5 months. I started at 175lbs and now weigh 205lbs. My strength has increased xtremely and I feel great. I never thought this could happen. I would recommend Harold's programs to anyone interested in getting the strength and size they have always wanted. If you are disciplined you will see the results yourself, thank you Harold.

-Steven S.

My name is Sharlisse Swain, I am 23 and I’m a break test operator at FCA. I was once an athlete in high school, I played basketball, ran track and cross country. I stop being active when I started college and started working at FCA. I’ve been training at Xtreme Advantage for over a year now. I train two days a week in the Get Fit Boot Camp. When I began training I weighed in at 163 lbs. and I’ve dropped down to 143 lbs. in 2 months, with being consistent with my workouts and eating healthier. Harold is an excellent and dedicated trainer. He takes the time to insure you understand every exercise, and makes sure you perform each one the right way, so you won’t injury yourself. He’s one of my best trainers and I recommend him to everyone that asks how I keep the weight off. 

-Sharliss S., 23,
FCA Break Test Operator

Harold you've made a lot of things happen through your wonderful music. Thanks for the great work!

-Lenda M. 

Ms. Oympia​

Whether it’s getting fit, contest prep, or putting it all together on stage, Xtreme Advantage is the place! Harold has done my posing routines and music for years starting with the Teen National Championships in 04' and wouldn't have won it with out him! Couldn't have found a better person or friend to help out!

-Steve K. 

Hey, my name is Dyilan, I'm 28 years old and recently graduated from nursing school. When I came to Harold I was 237lbs., after only 8 weeks of dedicated personal training, hard work, discipline and his No Xcuse Meal Plan I dropped down to 216lbs. and lost 6% percent body fat. I am very pleased with my results and able to fit a size 36 pants size that I couldn’t fit before. I recommend this trainer and his services to everybody who is dedicated about changing their body, Harold pushes the limits and makes you challenge yourself to be the best you! NO EXCUSES!

-Dyilan W.

My name is Erica, I am 25 years old and work in marketing for the second largest tobacco company in the US. I have been a runner for a long time, and after running a couple half marathons I started to get bored with running and was looking for a new type of workout to keep myself in shape. I passed Xtreme Advantage a few times in passing and decided to look it up online; after reading the testimonials and reading about the classes I reached out to Harold and was incredibly impressed by his knowledge and willingness to help me reach my goals. I decided to start off doing 2 days of Boot Camp Classes & 1 day of Small Group Training a week. Currently I do the AM Boot Camp Class 3 days per week and love it. I feel like I’m an athlete on a sports team again because we all encourage and push each other to do our best, and it's a lot of fun. I never know what to expect when I show up to class and that's the fun part about it; I know I'm going to sweat, have fun, and feel awesome once I leave. The workouts are always exciting and fast pace that forces me to push myself to my maximum. Since May, I have noticed how much stronger I have become in areas that I have never been able to be strong in, like my arms specifically. Doing push ups and pull ups was basically impossible for me and now I look forward to doing them to see how many more I can do. Being part of the Xtreme Advantage team is something I enjoy and look forward to every week. 

-Erica D.​

I am one of those people who can't push themselves on their own. Working with Harold has made all the difference. He is knowledgeable, friendly and motivates me to push past my perceived limits to get results. I've been training with Harold for about 4 months and have seen amazing results in that time. I'm doing 2 days per week of small group training and the no X-cuse meal plan. I have lost weight and inches. My body is leaner and tighter.

Outstanding master of his craft; expert in what he does. Harold is the real deal in an industry full of wannabees and is the standard by which any trainer should be measured. Whether the objective is building strength, weight loss, or increasing your endurance, Harold makes it happen! If you are serious about changing your life for the better, Harold will lead you every step of the way. Xtreme Advantage is the real thing! 

-Aida U.

Age 37

Dear people that are reading this,

I have to let you know that Harold's No X-cuse Meal Plan and exercise training was the reason I was able to lose weight to make the JV football weight limit on my SCS Green Hornets football team. Without Harold I wouldn't have made weight during football at all, so thank you Harold. I also think that the meal plan he gave me was fair. The food selection I think was great because I got to eat a Pop-tart and everybody loves Pop-tarts. Another reason is because every meal had multiple selections to choose from. So overall my experience with Harold was helpful and very interesting.
Thank you Harold! ​

-Jacob C., Age 10

(Football Player)

I have been training at Xtreme Advantage for about 5 months to get healthy and be able to qualify for the U. S. Air Force in my future. Xtreme Advantage was first noticed when my brother and I were walking around the neighborhood near my home. After telling my mom, she signed both of us up for the 12-week Boot Camp Program. When we first arrived, the trainer was kind and encouraging. That made it easier being that I was shy and afraid of being judged. My results started showing after 3 weeks. I was able to breath cleanly, and my stamina increased. Coming here was one of the best choices I’ve made. I gained muscle, increase my strength, stamina and confidence, something a teenager going to college should feel. I also learned the importance of good health by eating right and exercising often. I can honestly say that I will be coming back soon.

-Dayle B.
16 years old

My name is Nicole and I'm 38 years old. I started at Xtreme Advantage in January with the Get Fit Boot Camp Classes (3 days per week) and No X-cuse Meal Plan. At my consultation Harold told me my fitness age was equal to a 72 year old woman. I had no energy, I was out of breath and had poor eating habits. Being a nurse I know firsthand about obesity related illnesses, and with a family history of Diabetes and Cancer, I knew I needed to get started before I was diagnosed too. Since I started at Xtreme Advantage I lost a couple dress sizes and several inches.    My energy level is back up and my shortness of breath is gone. However I still have more work to do and still struggle with nutrition, but the motivation I receive from Harold and my family keeps me going. I know I didn't gain this weight instantly, so I have learned to be patient and lose it the safe and the healthy way. I love the boot camp classes because they are never boring and keep you on your toes with the workouts changing daily. We work every muscle possible with a combination of cardio and strength training. Harold performs each exercise first and coaches us thru each station; he corrects us if we're performing an exercise incorrectly, and pushes us when we're slacking off. Needless to say I'm a client for life; like Harold says
" Don't talk about it be about it " 

-Nicole D.

Hi, my name is Brenda McClanahan and I retired from the Detroit Police Department. Since my retirement, I was elected to the Van Buren Public School Board as a trustee. I also began teaching at Saginaw Valley State University. Moving forward and approaching 61 years young I put on added weight that I found impossible to take off.

While on Facebook, I found Harold’s website for Xtreme Advantage. I subsequently called and took the 10 week session and included his ‘No X-cuse Meal Plan.’ The meal plan helped me to cut my salt craving and required me to drink more water. Along with the meal plan I train with Harold 2 days a week and workout at least one additional day on my own. During the second week of my exercise program I saw my body changing in a good way and body parts going north instead of south.

Since attending Xtreme Advantage, the benefits went far beyond my changing body but in essence is a self-esteem tool. This tool provided a ‘learning moment’ in that I realized that I accomplished my goal through Harold’s expertise. Harold’s program provided me with a ‘plan of action’ toward accomplishing my objectives but I also received my ‘graduate degree’ in ‘Don’t Talk About It, Be About It!

Continued success,
-Brenda M. ​

My name is Josette, I’m 61 years of old and am a Medical Biller. Prior to Xtreme Advantage, I worked out at typical gyms. But never saw much difference in weight loss or toning. I didn’t understand why until I started the Get Fit Boot Camp Class. At a typical gym, it was up to me to figure out what to do and put it all together in a program that made me sweat, burn calories and build muscle. This was something I was not good at. At Xtreme Advantage it’s a no brainer! Harold puts it all together for us. He shows us what to do and then watches our form to make sure we do it correctly. The Get Fit Boot Camp Class was a little tough in the beginning. But as time went on, I found my stamina had built up. I’m stronger now, more than ever. After working out at Xtreme Advantage and following Harold’s meal plan, I even had the confidence to wear a bikini while on vacation to celebrate my 60th birthday!! 

-Josette G.​

My name is Dawn and I have never trusted anyone to train me other than Harold at Xtreme Advantage.

Most trainers are inspiring, but Harold has the knowledge, experience, and guaranteed results. I have trained with him off and on since I was a teenager. He is undoubtedly the most dedicated person to his clients.

He pushes you to reach your full potential and makes sure you don't settle for anything less. He's a straight shooter, honest, and makes you feel like his most important client.  I have taken 1 on 1, small group, and boot camp classes and I have loved them all. I have had gratifying results with weight loss, muscle gain, and mental health. It would not have been possible if not for Harold’s persistent guidance and expertise.

Do what he tells you to do, and you will see an amazing outcome. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced he is the one to see.

-Dawn L.

"I used to weight train aimlessly at the gym, not really understanding the importance of different movements, and not seeing many results. Since going to Xtreme Advantage, not only have I changed physically, but I have also gained more knowledge about weight training. The trainers at Xtreme Advantage are always changing things up and challenging you. From intermediate to advanced, this is the place to train!"

-Sherene B. 

I paid for a gym membership for years and never found the motivation to work out on a regular basis. I started a personal training program with Harold @ Xtreme Advantage and immediately noticed the positive impact it made in many venues of my life. Working out with a personal trainer, especially one with a vast knowledge of the functions of particular muscle groups and human kinetics made an immediate difference to my body endurance, structure, and overall appearance. It has made an even bigger impact on my everyday life as making a workout part of your weekly routine inadvertently increases your motivation drastically. I feel energized and healthy each and every day as a result. Harold makes you feel like part of the family and focuses on you, this is something that doesn't exist in bigger commercial gyms. I have worked out with personal trainers in the past and Harold is by far the most knowledgeable. He designs a program which fits your life whether you're an athlete or an accountant. His routine is something that you can take with you to the gym if times get tough and you can work out knowing that you're doing it right. The workout is intense and leaves you feeling like you received your money's worth. I definitely would encourage anyone that asked to change their life and feel confident & healthy with personal training @ Xtreme Advantage!

-Justin D. 

Medical Professional & satisfied customer